Recommendation Pipeline#

POPROX uses a pipelined design for its recommender implementations, built on the LensKit pipeline. The pipeline works primarily with mutable data; some components return entirely new data structures, while others add new data to their input and return the modified structure (e.g. scorers augment a list of articles with scores).


POPROX is currently using a vendored copy of the pipeline code while it is in development, exposed as poprox_recommender.lkpipeline.

Default Pipeline#

flowchart LR subgraph input["Inputs"] PROFILE[/"User Profile"/] HISTORY[/"User Clicks"/] ARTICLES[/"Candidate Articles"/] end subgraph primary["Primary Recommender"] CandEmb["Article Embedder (Candidates)"] HistEmb["Article Embedder (Clicked)"] UserEmb["User Embedder"] SCORE["Scorer"] RANK["Softmax-Sampled Ranker"] TOPK["Top-K Ranking"] class TOPK extra end subgraph fallback["Fallback Recommender (cold users)"] FILTER["Topic Filter"] SAMPLER["Sampler"] end FILL["Fallback Fill"] RESULT[\"Final Result"\] ARTICLES --> CandEmb HISTORY --> HistEmb HistEmb --> UserEmb PROFILE --> UserEmb UserEmb --> SCORE CandEmb --> SCORE SCORE --> RANK SCORE --> TOPK RANK --> FILL PROFILE --> FILTER ARTICLES --> FILTER FILTER --> SAMPLER SAMPLER -.->|if needed| FILL FILL --> RESULT classDef extra stroke-dasharray:5 5,font-style:italic classDef changed stroke-width:4px,stroke:red,font-style:bold

Default POPROX Recommender Pipeline#

There are quite a few components here — the recommendation experience is composed from a set of small components, each of which has a specific responsibility in the recommendation experience.


Document the components!

Article Embedder

We use NRMSArticleEmbedder to compute embeddings from article content. There are two instances of this embedder, one for candidate articles and another for articles in the user’s history.

Softmax-Sampled Ranker

The SoftmaxSampler component generates a stochastic ranking from the scored articles with softmax sampling. Many experimental pipelines replace this with a TopkRanker.

Alternative Pipelines#

The recommender code also provides several alternative pipelines.

Plain NRMS Top-K#

This pipeline implements simple top-K ranking using NRMS. This pipeline works exactly like the default pipeline, except it replaces the softmax sampler with a TopkRanker.

flowchart LR subgraph input["Inputs"] PROFILE[/"User Profile"/] HISTORY[/"User Clicks"/] ARTICLES[/"Candidate Articles"/] end subgraph primary["Primary Recommender"] CandEmb["Article Embedder (Candidates)"] HistEmb["Article Embedder (Clicked)"] UserEmb["User Embedder"] SCORE["Scorer"] RANK["Top-K Ranker"] class RANK changed end subgraph fallback["Fallback Recommender (cold users)"] FILTER["Topic Filter"] SAMPLER["Sampler"] end FILL["Fallback Fill"] RESULT[\"Final Result"\] ARTICLES --> CandEmb HISTORY --> HistEmb HistEmb --> UserEmb PROFILE --> UserEmb UserEmb --> SCORE CandEmb --> SCORE SCORE --> RANK RANK --> FILL PROFILE --> FILTER ARTICLES --> FILTER FILTER --> SAMPLER SAMPLER -.->|if needed| FILL FILL --> RESULT classDef changed stroke-width:4px,stroke:red

Alternative POPROX Recommender Pipeline (NRMS)#


The NRMS + MMR pipeline applies maximum marginal relevance to the NRMS scores. As with the default pipeline, the straight top-K results are available for comparison and evaluation.

flowchart LR subgraph input["Inputs"] PROFILE[/"User Profile"/] HISTORY[/"User Clicks"/] ARTICLES[/"Candidate Articles"/] end subgraph primary["Primary Recommender"] CandEmb["Article Embedder (Candidates)"] HistEmb["Article Embedder (Clicked)"] UserEmb["User Embedder"] SCORE["Scorer"] RANK["MMR Ranker"] class RANK changed TOPK["Top-K Ranking"] class TOPK extra end subgraph fallback["Fallback Recommender (cold users)"] FILTER["Topic Filter"] SAMPLER["Sampler"] end FILL["Fallback Fill"] RESULT[\"Final Result"\] ARTICLES --> CandEmb HISTORY --> HistEmb HistEmb --> UserEmb PROFILE --> UserEmb UserEmb --> SCORE CandEmb --> SCORE SCORE --> RANK SCORE --> TOPK RANK --> FILL PROFILE --> FILTER ARTICLES --> FILTER FILTER --> SAMPLER SAMPLER -.->|if needed| FILL FILL --> RESULT classDef extra stroke-dasharray:5 5,font-style:italic classDef changed stroke-width:4px,stroke:red,font-style:bold

Alternative POPROX Recommender Pipeline (NRMS+MMR)#