Closeout Stage#

At the point of the Closeout Stage, the researcher’s experiment is complete. Researchers will receive notification that the experiment is complete and at that point, they no longer need to keep their recommendationn generation endpoint live. Additional experiments with new or related hypothesis will require starting over with the Intake Stage. POPROX will deliver a dataset representing the user interactions and other related data (surveys, etc.) associated with their experiment.

Experimental data package#


Still working on the specification for this. It will include newsletters sent, clicks, embeddings of news items, and survey responses. Format is still under development. Most likely distributed as a link to an AWS S3 bucket.

Restrictions on data distribution#

Per the POPROX Researcher Agreement, researchers cannot share their data directly with others. However, other researchers interested in replicating or otherwise studying the outcomes of an experiment can request the data from POROX. They will have to enter into a POPROX Researcher Agreement of their own to do so. There are no exceptions, due to the terms of our own institutional agreements. Normally, POPROX experimental data has a one-year embargo for publication exclusivity, but researchers can choose to waive this embargo, either in general or relative to specific researchers with whom they would like to collaborate.