Intake Stage#

The Intake Stage is intended to help experimenters clarify their research questions and approach to be compatible with POPROX’s capabilities and to help the POPROX team understand what types of experiments are of interest to the research community.

To learn more about the system and its capabilities, you are welcome to take a look at our system documentation and we welcome inquiries at

The Intake Form#

A key artifact for this stage of the experimenter experience is the Intake Form. To fill out this form, you will need to be able to specify the research questions that you want to explore and the types of experimental methods you want to apply. Do not worry if you are unclear about how to answer some questions. We expect and accept multiple revisions of the intake form.

Experiment Repository#

Once an experiment has been accepted for POPROX, we will create a GitHub repository for the project, which will be the key site of information exchange between a research team and the POPROX staff.

Next stages#

Resources about studying user experience in recommender systems#

  • Knijnenburg, B. P., & Willemsen, M. C. (2015). Evaluating recommender systems with user experiments. In Recommender systems handbook (pp. 309-352). Boston, MA: Springer US. PDF

  • Upcoming tutorial at RecSys 2024: Bart Knijnenburg and Edward Malthouse, “Conducting User Experiments in Recommender Systems”. Materials will be posted here after the tutorial.

  • Upcoming tutorial at RecSys 2024: Robin Burke, Joseph Konstan and Michael Ekstrand, “Conducting Recommender Systems User Studies Using POPROX”. Materials will be posted here after the tutorial.