POPROX Experimenter Intake Form#

POPROX is a platform for experimenting with live delivery of news recommendations via email newsletter. Please consult the Project Guide for additional information.

Please download and fill out this form if you are interested in doing an experiment with POPROX. Email completed forms to intake@poprox.ai and one of our consultants will contact you within 2 business days.

Background information#

  • Date:

  • Lead Researcher Name:

  • Organization:

  • Contact email:

  • (Optional) Other researchers involved in this project:

Research area#

Please categorize your primary area of research for this study (check one):

  • [ ] Primarily algorithmic (e.g. testing one recommendation algorithm vs another)

  • [ ] Primarily human-centered (e.g. testing people’s reactions to news that they see)

  • [ ] Primarily user-interface related (e.g. testing people’s reactions to different ways of displaying news.)

What aspects of the news recommendations do you envision manipulating (check 1 and 2 if both apply)?

  • [ ] The set of recommendations delivered and/or their ranking

  • [ ] The way the recommendations are displayed or contextualized

  • [ ] I’m not planning on changing the news recommendations

What outcomes are you interested in measuring (check all that apply)

  • [ ] Study participants’ behavior (e.g. click-through of articles)

  • [ ] Study participants’ subjective evaluations of newsletter / the recommended news articles

  • [ ] Characteristics of the recommended news articles

  • [ ] Characteristics of the study participants

  • [ ] Other: ____________

(Optional) Comments on research area:

Research questions#

What research question(s) are you proposing to investigate with POPROX (Note: a good research question identifies a population, an intervention / exposure, a comparative or control condition, and a target outcome)?

What is the theoretical rationale for your research questions and hypotheses?

Do you have specific requirements for types of users in your study?

Why do you think that POPROX is a good environment for conducting this research?

(Optional) Do you have any publications around these or similar research questions? If so, list one or two below:

(Optional) Additional information that may be useful to understand your proposed experiment: